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(LITX05/26) Tax Research Part 2 – Intermediate

Answering clients' tax questions accurately and on time is a key challenge for tax practitioners. Through simple, plain language explanations and examples, this course will help practitioners perform tax research more efficiently by describing the structure of the primary sources, highlighting the difference between primary and secondary sources and describing the steps in the tax...

Non Member: $45
Credit Hours: 200

(LIMG04/26) A History of Investing & a Look Ahead

You hear it all the time. Financial products are becoming more complex. Diversification has changed. Our approach to investing has changed. What does all this mean? In this course, we will explore how investment theory has changed over time from Markowitz to Factor Investing. Using examples and practical applications, we will talk about how our...

Non Member: $45
Credit Hours: 200

(LITE02/26) Using ChatGPT with Excel

In this innovative course, participants will learn to combine the power of artificial intelligence with the functionality of Microsoft Excel. You will learn how to leverage ChatGPT, OpenAI's powerful language model, to improve your Excel skills and decrease the time it takes to build spreadsheets. The course will include a quick introduction to ChatGPT but...

Non Member: $90
Credit Hours: 200

(LIMG05/26) How To Be a Better CFO

Gone are the days in which the CFO was just in charge of keeping the books. Today's CFOs are involved in all parts of a company's operations. Utilizing case studies, research, and discussion questions, this course will explore how to look at topics such as picking out the best retirement plan, managing remote employees, strategic...

Non Member: $180
Credit Hours: 200

(LITE03/26) Excel for Staff Level 1 – What You Never Learned

Most Staff Accountants learned Excel in college and many others learned Excel on their own, however most users never learned the important productivity tips that help them build spreadsheets more efficiently. This course will teach new and experienced users how to leverage the many productivity tools built within Excel in order to build spreadsheets with...

Non Member: $90
Credit Hours: 200

(LIMG06/26) Building a Better Budget in a Time of Uncertainty

Through a combination of theory and real-world examples, we will explore how to build flexibility into our budget -so that it can inform and drive decision-making when we don't quite know what is ahead.

Non Member: $180
Credit Hours: 200

(LIAA03/26) Fraud: Crossing the Line

What does it mean to cross the line? How do you know when you've crossed the line? There is a myriad of instances where a good person has made a bad decision - changing the outcome of those decisions from a mistake to a misconduct, to a fraud. That one bad decision can easily spiral...

Non Member: $63
Credit Hours: 200

(LIAA04/26) Internal Control Deficiencies and Other Matters – Adding Value Through Required Auditor Communications

Professional and regulatory audit standards require communication of internal control matters noted in a financial statement audit. This assists management and those charged with governance with satisfying responsibilities for designing, implementing, maintaining, and monitoring internal controls. In addition, in order to retain existing clients, lower fee pressures and gain invaluable referral sources, financial statement auditors...

Non Member: $90
Credit Hours: 200

(LIAA05/26) FASB Update

This session will cover an in-depth review of recent activities of the Financial Accounting Standards Board. As always, the FASB is issuing new accounting standards and standards issued in prior years are becoming effective.

Non Member: $90
Credit Hours: 200

(LIAA06/26) Introduction to Governmental Accounting

Governmental accounting is very unique. This course will introduce the financial reporting basics for governments, including fund accounting and the modified accrual basis of accounting. Attendees will analyze the layouts of the fund financial statements as well as the government-wide financial statements. The course will also cover the concept of component units, Management Discussion &...

Non Member: $90
Credit Hours: 200