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(SSTX125/25) Surgent’s Key Partnership and S Corporation Tax Planning Strategies

Most of our clients are pass-through entities for which many of the general business strategies are subject to additional limitations. To provide the tax planning strategies for closely held business clients that will bring more revenue, this course focuses on the special concerns and techniques the practitioner needs to thrive in this market.

Non Member: $180

(SSST123/25) Surgent’s Marijuana: A Generalized Business Viewpoint

Each year, more states legalize cannabis (i.e., marijuana) for medical or recreational purposes. As legalization grows, so too does the cannabis industry. While some financial professionals have stayed away from this growing sector of the economy, others have embraced the opportunities the cannabis industry has to offer. The legalization of cannabis brings with it a...

Non Member: $95

(SSTX230/25) Surgent’s Form 1120-S Boot Camp: Step-by-Step Preparation With Completed Forms

The objective of this course is to train new, rusty, or returning-to-practice staff to prepare complicated federal subchapter S corporation tax returns. The course utilizes a chapter-by-chapter, hands-on approach. As more details are discussed in each chapter, participants are provided with the information needed to prepare an intricate Form 1120-S. The course and instruction delivery...

Non Member: $360

(LITE01/26) AI for CPAs: How it Works and How to Apply It

Demystify the complex world of generative AI in this informative session designed specifically for CPAs. We'll break down the nuts and bolts of how generative AI works, making the technical aspects accessible and relevant. Equip yourself with the foundational knowledge to leverage AI in your practice or business.

Non Member: $180
Credit Hours: 200

(LIMG01/26) Improving Your Profits: Identifying Cost Cutting Opportunities

Part of one's duty as a CPA working in industry is to safeguard the assets of the organization. Cost cutting is one way to preserve assets and maintain a company's competitive position in the industry. However, what keeps us from ridding our organizations of unnecessary costs? In this course, we will look at the factors...

Non Member: $90
Credit Hours: 200

(LIMG02/26) The Risk Management Process & Insurance Fundamentals

Whether you are new to the risk management process or you are a seasoned pro, it always comes back to the fundamentals. Just like any other industry, insurance professionals have their own language. Through plain language and a commonsense approach, this course explores the steps involved in the risk management process, the elements of a...

Non Member: $90
Credit Hours: 200

(LIET01/26) Government Ethics: Theory & Application – 2025

As a VBOA-approved ethics course, this training begins with the 2025 VBOA Ethics Updates. From there, we will delve into the ethical principles outlined in the Yellow Book, including serving the public interest, maintaining integrity, objectivity, and professional behavior. Practical applications of these ethical principles will be discussed, including strategies for adhering to independence standards,...

Non Member: $150
Credit Hours: 200

(LITX01/26) Lifecycle Financial Planning – Qualified Business Income Deduction

Even though it has been around several years, many practitioners fail to take full advantage of the QBI deduction due to its complexity and many nuances. In this course, we will discuss how to maximize the QBI deduction. We will get into the details of what QBI includes (and doesn't include), which entity structures work...

Non Member: $45
Credit Hours: 200

(LIAA02/26) Governmental GAAP Update

This course begins with a look at the GASB standards effective this year, including GASB 100, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections and GASB 101, Compensated Absences. We'll include practical application of the topics in the form of case studies.

Non Member: $90
Credit Hours: 200

(LITX02/26) Keeping Up with the Tax Code – Required Minimum Distributions

Whether you are an experienced veteran or new to the industry, one of the toughest parts of being a tax practitioner is keeping up with all of the changes in tax legislation. The Keeping Up the Code series takes a look at recent changes to tax law from a practitioner perspective. We don't just hurl...

Non Member: $45
Credit Hours: 200